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"Meditation is one of the easiest ways

to attain calmness of mind and peace in the heart"


The word "meditation" ~ "Mediation" is a way to mediate between the soul in communication with Spirit. Through meditation one is able to reach quietud, centeredness and Alignment with Spirit ~ very high and deep levels of consciousness and awakening.

When the mind is at peace and in stillness, many forms of healing can occur at different levels, from physical ailments, to emotional and mental as well. It is a wonderful tool and asset to have in order to   create and experience a more fulfilling and extraordinary life, filled with joy, magic and sychronicities.

Meditation classes: Classes will start online via Zoom on Tuesday March 24th. Please view previous page for more information closer to the date. Thank you.



Meditation is nourishment for the soul

The techniques are centered primarily in teaching deep breathing exercises,  combined with creative visualization, chakra balancing and full alignment of mind, body and spirit. Her classes have helped many people around the globe to attain clarity of mind, healing at different levels and deep inner Peace.

Dolphin Rose Petals Meditation
by Barbara C. Brose
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